September 20th, 2022
March 15, 2022

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AGENDA January 25, 2022
• Dues payment prior to or at Annual Meeting March 15, 2022
- Call to Order
- Establish Quorum
- CHL Clayton Heights
- CPS Campus
- EHS Elder Homestead
- FWS Fair West
- HBS Highland Business
- LMS La Mesa
- MES Mesa del Sol
- NOB Nob Hill
- PKH Parkland Hills
- SAH Siesta Hills
- SEH Southeast Heights
- SLA South Los Altos
- SSP South San Pedro
- TVA Trumbull Village
- UHT University Heights
- VHL Victory Hills
- YLV Yale Village
- Approval of January 25 Agenda (2-5 min.)
- Approval of November Minutes (2-5 min.)
- Invited Speakers (5-10 min. each)
- Mayor’s Office: Aaron Nieto
- City Councilor: Pat Davis
- County Commissioner: Adriann Barboa
- APD, Southeast Area Command: Commander Languit
- Director of DFCS: Carol Pierce
- APS: Barbara Peterson
- Reports (5 minutes each):
- President: Pete Belletto
- Treasurer: Patricia Willson
- Committee Reports: (2 min. each)
- Transportation; Pete Belletto, chair
- Homeless Outreach; Khadijah Bottom, chair
- Communications; Ryan Kious, chair
- Community Safety; Sandra, chair
- Zoning/IDO notification; Patty Willson, chair
- New Business (Action Items)
• Dues payment prior to or at Annual Meeting March 15, 2022
- Old Business/Follow Up
- NA reports/updates
- Lapel pins
November 16, 2021
as submitted by Patty Willson
DATE: November 16, 2021 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM; Online via Zoom
VI. Reports
1) President’s Report: Dr. Pete Belletto
Discussed run-off elections for Districts 7 & 9 coming up on Dec. 6th. Also Avangrid merger; call
PRC member Cynthia Hall 505-235-8013
2) Treasurer’s Report: Patty Willson
No Report
VII. Committee Reports
Next meeting: DATE: January 18, 2022 - 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM; online via Zoom
as submitted by Patty Willson
DATE: November 16, 2021 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM; Online via Zoom
- Call to Order: President Belletto called the meeting to order at 6:06pm
- Establish Quorum (quorum is 8; 8 in attendance at time of roll call)
- CHL Clayton Heights
- CPS Campus
- EHS Elder Homestead
- FWS Fair West
- HBS Highland Business
- LMS La Mesa
- MES Mesa del Sol
- NOB Nob Hill
- PKH Parkland Hills
- SAH Siesta Hills
- SEH Southeast Heights
- SLA South Los Altos
- SSP South San Pedro
- TVA Trumbull Village
- UHT University Heights
- VHL Victory Hills
- YLV Yale Village
- Approval of November 16 Agenda: approved unanimously (Motion; Ryan Kious/Second; Mara Hoffman)
- Approval of September Minutes: postponed to next meeting.
- Invited Speakers
- APD, Southeast Area Command: Commander Languit
- Mayor’s Office: Aaron Nieto
Update on Kathryn/San Mateo; majority of project will be ACS, will also include AFR station, green space, food truck court. No date set yet for community meeting (1st of next year?). HAWK lights at Bryn Mawr and ART station delayed with supply issues. Showers are in at Compassion Center. Concerns about keeping San Pedro Branch Library open. Lead/Coal; reached out to Patrick Montoya at DMD regarding Rest-in-Red, waiting to hear back from Councilor Davis. L/C Safety Brigade has concerns about R-in-R. - Director of DFCS: Carol Pierce (& Cristy Hernandez)
Gateway was granted Conditional Use; it’s currently in appeal period. Moving forward with Phase I (programming piece—feedback from service providers). Discussion about Good Neighbor Agreement, security perimeter, public safety district, transportation. Need a collective community response to the unsheltered. Numbers are 100 singles, 25 family units, and medical respite for 25. No plans to close the West Side shelter. - APS: Barbara Peterson
VI. Reports
1) President’s Report: Dr. Pete Belletto
Discussed run-off elections for Districts 7 & 9 coming up on Dec. 6th. Also Avangrid merger; call
PRC member Cynthia Hall 505-235-8013
2) Treasurer’s Report: Patty Willson
No Report
VII. Committee Reports
- Communications; Ryan Kious, chair
Goal to rebuild NA memberships that have fallen off. Elder Homestead went from 4 to 26! - Community Safety; Sandra, chair
Concerns with violent crime—need communication with every NA President. Encourage Neighborhood watches, crossover to help adjacent NA’s if they don’t have enough people. Collaborate, learn to be good witnesses to help law enforcement. Update contact info. Cmdr. Languit added that there had been shootings in the last two weeks—Area Command is now doing a shooting review after each critical homicide incident. - Zoning/IDO notification; Patty Willson, chair
Update on ICC committee working on IDO amendments - Homeless Outreach; Khadijah Bottom, chair.
Discussed emergency rental assistance programs thru state recovery fund and concerns with evictions.
- Secretary Vacancy: need someone to complete Mandy Warr’s term (thru March 2022 meeting). No volunteers at this point.
- Lead/Coal traffic; letter/email in support of Dr. Joseph Aguirre’s Oct. 26 letter. Nothing in notes about who will do this.
- Business cards, lapel pins. Discussed by Patty in Treasurer’s Report. Pins ordered.
Next meeting: DATE: January 18, 2022 - 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM; online via Zoom
May, 2021
SPECIAL GUEST: MAYOR KELLOR. Will be discussing current topics of our District and City wide interest.
- Call to Order
- Establish Quorum
- CHL Clayton Heights
- CPS Campus
- EHS Elder Homestead
- FWS Fair West
- HBS Highland Business
- LMS La Mesa
- MES Mesa del Sol
- NOB Nob Hill
- PKH Parkland Hills
- SAH Siesta Hills
- SEH Southeast Heights
- SLA South Los Altos
- SSP South San Pedro
- TVA Trumbull Village
- UHT University Heights
- VHL Victory Hills
- YLV Yale Village
- Approval of May 17 Agenda (2-5 min.)
- Mayor Keller - Discussing current topics and city -wide interest.
January 26, 2021

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July 2020
I. Call to Order
II. Establish Quorum
NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONS (current quorum is 8) (greyed NA’s are unpaid)
q CHL Clayton Heights
q CPS Campus
q EHS Elder Homestead
q FWS Fair West
q HBS Highland Business
q LMS La Mesa
q MES Mesa del Sol
q NOB Nob Hill
q PKH Parkland Hills
q SAH Siesta Hills
q SEH Southeast Heights
q SLA South Los Altos
q SSP South San Pedro
q TVA Trumbull Village
q UHT University Heights
q VHL Victory Hills
q YLV Yale Village
III. Approval of July 21 Agenda (2-5 min.)
IV. Approval of May 19 Minutes (2-5 min.)
V. Invited Speakers (5-10 min. each)
• Mayor’s Office
• City Councilor
• County Commissioner
VI. Reports (5 minutes each):
• President
• Treasurer
VII. Committee Reports: (2 min. each)
• Transportation; Pete Belletto, chair
• Homeless Outreach; Khadijah Bottom, chair
• Communications; Ryan Kious, chair
• Development; Mandy Warr, chair
• Community Safety; Ryan Kious, co-chair
• Zoning/IDO notification; Patty Willson, chair
VIII. New Business (Action Items)
IX. Old Business
• Board vote on amendments to Bylaws ARTICLE XIV – POLICIES AND PROCEDURES (deferred from May 19 meeting)
• Topic tabled at May 19 meeting: review how voting representation works
X. Adjournment:
Next meeting: DATE September 15, 2020; 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
I. Call to Order
II. Establish Quorum
NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONS (current quorum is 8) (greyed NA’s are unpaid)
q CHL Clayton Heights
q CPS Campus
q EHS Elder Homestead
q FWS Fair West
q HBS Highland Business
q LMS La Mesa
q MES Mesa del Sol
q NOB Nob Hill
q PKH Parkland Hills
q SAH Siesta Hills
q SEH Southeast Heights
q SLA South Los Altos
q SSP South San Pedro
q TVA Trumbull Village
q UHT University Heights
q VHL Victory Hills
q YLV Yale Village
III. Approval of July 21 Agenda (2-5 min.)
IV. Approval of May 19 Minutes (2-5 min.)
V. Invited Speakers (5-10 min. each)
• Mayor’s Office
• City Councilor
• County Commissioner
VI. Reports (5 minutes each):
• President
• Treasurer
VII. Committee Reports: (2 min. each)
• Transportation; Pete Belletto, chair
• Homeless Outreach; Khadijah Bottom, chair
• Communications; Ryan Kious, chair
• Development; Mandy Warr, chair
• Community Safety; Ryan Kious, co-chair
• Zoning/IDO notification; Patty Willson, chair
VIII. New Business (Action Items)
- D6 letter in support of UHA and NHNA Lead/Coal Corridor Safety Committee; asking Mayor to fund safety audit.
- D6 letter in support of Trumbull Community Center Program; Rev. Landry’s God’s Kitchen Program.
- D6 letter to Mayor and Council insisting on immediate humanitarian assistance to residents of the Phoenix Rising Apartment Complex on Louisiana Blvd. SE.
- Status report from Mayor regarding the Gateway Project.
- D6 letter to APS concerning plans for neighborhood schools and recommendation for distance learning at least thru the fall semester and/or until COVID-19 curve flattens.
- Status report from APD Chief Mike Geier regarding property crime and initiatives to reduce same within the District.
- D6 President Dr. Peter Belletto requests a meeting with Mayor Keller, Councilor Davis and Commissioner Collie regarding economic development and financial investment in our community.
- Compile information regarding property owners along the Central Ave. Corridor in D6.
IX. Old Business
• Board vote on amendments to Bylaws ARTICLE XIV – POLICIES AND PROCEDURES (deferred from May 19 meeting)
• Topic tabled at May 19 meeting: review how voting representation works
X. Adjournment:
Next meeting: DATE September 15, 2020; 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
May 19. 2020
Where: Online via Zoom
When: May 19, 2020,
Time: 7p.m. or 1500
Annual General Meeting
Where: Online via Zoom
When: May 19, 2020,
Time: 7p.m. or 1500
Annual General Meeting
April 28, 2020
Where: Online
When: April 28, 2020
Time 7p.m. or 1900
On the Z O O M app
We will have a very short agenda to include committee reports, the bylaws, and the annual meeting.
Where: Online
When: April 28, 2020
Time 7p.m. or 1900
On the Z O O M app
We will have a very short agenda to include committee reports, the bylaws, and the annual meeting.
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March 17, 2020
LOCATION: Caesar E. Chavez Community Center
7505 Kathryn Ave. SE
HOSTED BY: Elder Homestead NA
I. Call to Order
II Establish Quorum
NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONS (current quorum is 8) (greyed NA’s are unpaid)
IV. Approval of MinuteS
V. Invited Speakers (5-10 min. each)
County Treasurer
County Commissioner
VI. Call to the Public (sign in before meeting start, 2 minutes speaking time)
VII. Reports (5 minutes each):
• President
• Treasurer
VIII. Standing Committee Reports: (2-5 min. each)
• By-laws
• Operating Procedures / Goals & Objectives
• Homelessness /Gateway
• Residential Safety TraininI
IX. Old Business
X. New Business
XI. Adjournment:
Next meeting DATE May 19, 2020
LOCATION Monte Vista Christian Church 3501 Campus Blvd NE ABQ NM 87108
HOSTED BY Nob Hill Neighborhood Associatio
The May meeting will be our annual meeting. We will be holding our election of officers!
LOCATION: Caesar E. Chavez Community Center
7505 Kathryn Ave. SE
HOSTED BY: Elder Homestead NA
I. Call to Order
II Establish Quorum
NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONS (current quorum is 8) (greyed NA’s are unpaid)
- CHL Clayton Heights
- CPS Campus
- EHS Elder Homestead
- FWS Fair West
- HBS Highland Business
- LMS La Mesa
- MES Mesa del Sol
- NOB Nob Hill
- PKH Parkland Hills
- SAH Siesta Hills
- SEH Southeast Heights
- SLA South Los Altos
- SSP South San Pedro
- TVA Trumbull Village
- UHT University Heights
- VHL Victory Hills
- YLV Yale VillagE
IV. Approval of MinuteS
V. Invited Speakers (5-10 min. each)
County Treasurer
County Commissioner
VI. Call to the Public (sign in before meeting start, 2 minutes speaking time)
VII. Reports (5 minutes each):
• President
• Treasurer
VIII. Standing Committee Reports: (2-5 min. each)
• By-laws
• Operating Procedures / Goals & Objectives
• Homelessness /Gateway
• Residential Safety TraininI
IX. Old Business
X. New Business
XI. Adjournment:
Next meeting DATE May 19, 2020
LOCATION Monte Vista Christian Church 3501 Campus Blvd NE ABQ NM 87108
HOSTED BY Nob Hill Neighborhood Associatio
The May meeting will be our annual meeting. We will be holding our election of officers!
January 21, 2020
The Ortiz Professional Building
1258 Ortiz Drive SE
Current topics:
* Bylaws
* NA Priorities
* Santana (Thomas Development)
* Gateway Homeless Center
The Ortiz Professional Building
1258 Ortiz Drive SE
Current topics:
* Bylaws
* NA Priorities
* Santana (Thomas Development)
* Gateway Homeless Center
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November 19, 2019 - Tuesday
Loma Linda Community Center
1700 Yale Blvd SE; 6:00 to 8:00 PM. Call to Order
• Invited Guests: (10 min. ea.)
- District 6 City Councilor Pat Davis
- State Representative Gail Chasey
- APD SE Area Commander Yara; Report and Q&A
II. Approval of previous Minutes (2 min.
III. Approval of Agenda (2 min.)
IV. President’s Report: (2-5 min.)
V. Treasurer’s Report: (2 min.)
VI. Committee Reports: (2-5 min. each)
• By-laws
• Operating Procedures
VII. Action Items
• Review of current zoning issues (Santana, Vision Quest) see attached Report (5-10 min.)
VIII. Open Discussion
• Neighborhood Association Roundtable (2-5 min. each)
IX. Adjournment:
Next meeting date: Tuesday, January 21, 2020 (no meeting in December)
Location TBD.
Loma Linda Community Center
1700 Yale Blvd SE; 6:00 to 8:00 PM. Call to Order
• Invited Guests: (10 min. ea.)
- District 6 City Councilor Pat Davis
- State Representative Gail Chasey
- APD SE Area Commander Yara; Report and Q&A
II. Approval of previous Minutes (2 min.
III. Approval of Agenda (2 min.)
IV. President’s Report: (2-5 min.)
V. Treasurer’s Report: (2 min.)
VI. Committee Reports: (2-5 min. each)
• By-laws
• Operating Procedures
VII. Action Items
• Review of current zoning issues (Santana, Vision Quest) see attached Report (5-10 min.)
VIII. Open Discussion
• Neighborhood Association Roundtable (2-5 min. each)
IX. Adjournment:
Next meeting date: Tuesday, January 21, 2020 (no meeting in December)
Location TBD.
SEPTEMBER 10, 2019
b) Order of operations, how we will conduct future meetings. (establish group to work on).
c) Personal Conduct at D6 events (A stated position that we will post at all D6 events.
d) Off month Safety or ? event
e) Schedule meetings up to and including the annual mtg. (We know when our annual should be, so we should be able to get this worked out quickly)
f) If completed D6 logo and tag line (slogan).
g) Social Media.
h) Update all contact lists.
- Treasurer's Report
- Presidents Brief to Coalition
- Topics:
b) Order of operations, how we will conduct future meetings. (establish group to work on).
c) Personal Conduct at D6 events (A stated position that we will post at all D6 events.
d) Off month Safety or ? event
e) Schedule meetings up to and including the annual mtg. (We know when our annual should be, so we should be able to get this worked out quickly)
f) If completed D6 logo and tag line (slogan).
g) Social Media.
h) Update all contact lists.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
6:00pm - 8:00pm
George Pearl Hall - UNM School of Architecture and Planning Building
1. Welcome & Introductions (6:00pm to 6:10pm)
2. Treasurer's Report and Annual Dues (6:10pm to 6:20pm)
We will continue to collect Annual Dues for the 2019-2020 fiscal year. Dues range from $1 to $25, based on the amount that each Neighborhood Association can afford. Please pay Dues to vote in the election.
3. District 6 Coalition- Officer Elections (6:20pm to 7:30pm)
5. Maggie Hart Stebbins
-Bernalillo County Behavioral Health Initiative
-ID Lighting Map
6:00pm - 8:00pm
George Pearl Hall - UNM School of Architecture and Planning Building
1. Welcome & Introductions (6:00pm to 6:10pm)
2. Treasurer's Report and Annual Dues (6:10pm to 6:20pm)
We will continue to collect Annual Dues for the 2019-2020 fiscal year. Dues range from $1 to $25, based on the amount that each Neighborhood Association can afford. Please pay Dues to vote in the election.
3. District 6 Coalition- Officer Elections (6:20pm to 7:30pm)
- Robert's Rules of Order
- Bylaws
- President Gina Naomi Dennis will no longer be President as of July 25th at 7:30 pm (July 25th). The President seat is open for election.
- Ryan Kious will no longer be Treasurer as of July 25th at 7:30 pm (July 25th). The Treasurer seat is open for election.
- David Cooper will no longer be Secretary as of July 25th at 7:30 pm (July 25th). The Secretary seat is open for election.
- The Vice President seat is open for election.
5. Maggie Hart Stebbins
-Bernalillo County Behavioral Health Initiative
-ID Lighting Map

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Thursday, May 30, 2019
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Loma Linda Community Center, 1700 Yale Blvd. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106
1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Albuquerque Garbage Transfer Station
We will discuss the City's Garbage Transfer Station, including the Victory Hills Neighborhood.
4. Treasurer's Report and Annual Dues
We will begin to collect Annual Dues for the 2019-2020 fiscal year. Dues range from $1 to $25, based on the amount that each Neighborhood Association can afford.
5. Officer Elections, Move to September 2019
Our District 6 Coalition President, Gina Naomi Dennis, will be engaging in another role of public service. Our Neighborhoods need time to decide our new Coalition leadership team and to make the best choice. We'll need a Motion to move the Officer elections to September, and in September we'll elect a new Coalition President and we'll also elect the Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Our next President needs to be someone who has regularly attended Coalition meetings or has the capacity to do so. Gina worked 20 to 25 hours each week as the President during the last two years. We don't expect our new President to duplicate Gina's high work level, but we should expect a relatively high capacity. Our Officer elections are for, with, and by our Neighborhood Associations without government influence. A copy of our Bylaws will be available at our Meetings now through September.
6. The District 6 Coalition: Becoming a 501(c)(3) non-profit
Our District 6 Coalition has the ability to become a non-profit. We may want to do a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis on this. Non-profit status could create an opportunity for the District 6 Coalition to receive grant funding.
7. President's Report
Public Safety, Community Safety
We will discuss views about Public Safety and the State Police, the County Sheriff, and APD.
Lighting in our Neighborhoods, regarding poor lighting in some of our neighborhoods
We will discuss status updates on the $95,000. We will also discuss the District 6 Coalition's Citizen Capital Outlay requests of $1,500,000 and (1) the absence of City lighting infrastructure in some areas, the black holes, and the absence of mid-block lighting (which could be addressed via capital outlay in the future) and (2) how that differs from PNM's retrofit/upgrade project, which is a wonderful project that has commenced.
Lead Avenue and Coal Avenue: Public Safety and Public Health
We will discuss our Coalition support of the Lead-Coal Task Force, involving the City, the University Heights Neighborhood, the Nob Hill Neighborhood, and others.
Homelessness in Parks and Streets: Public Health and Public Safety
We will discuss the implementation of the Coalition's 3-stage strategy to resolve issues such as homelessness and needles (i.e., drug use), including the underlying issues of addiction and mental health. These issues impact the Public Health and the Public Safety of our community, our children, and our families. In addition, the growing homelessness and drug use in our Parks has become a systemic problem that has evolved into more than just a "Park" issue and has also become a Community-Wide "People" issue.
Emerson Elementary School
We will discuss our Coalition support to address the needs of Emerson Elementary School.
Whittier Elementary and Hawthorne Elementary Schools
We will also discuss our Coalition Schools Support Letter that we sent to PED on July 5, 2018. APS Representatives and School Staff will provide a status update and answer questions.
Vacant and Abandoned Properties
We will discuss our confirmed Coalition support to address Vacant and Abandoned Properties (VAAP) in our neighborhoods, including the La Mesa Neighborhood and other Neighborhoods. We will discuss our progress towards (1) drafting the Memorandum Of Understanding with (Scott Hughes) UNM Geospatial and Population Studies for data access and community training regarding the identification of VAAP, as well as our confirmed Coalition support for (Scott) UNM's grant (funding) application and (2) our strong relationship with (Elena Gonzales) Homewise regarding the title and ownership records of VAAP and property rehabs.
Trumbull Village Neighborhood Compassion Center
We will discuss the status of the Compassion Services Center in the Trumbull Neighborhood, to serve the people experiencing homelessness there.
Gibson Bypass: Public Safety and Public Health
We will discuss our Coalition support for the Gibson Bypass.
8. Neighborhood Association Concerns
9. Community Input & Announcements, including ONC
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Loma Linda Community Center, 1700 Yale Blvd. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106
1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Albuquerque Garbage Transfer Station
We will discuss the City's Garbage Transfer Station, including the Victory Hills Neighborhood.
4. Treasurer's Report and Annual Dues
We will begin to collect Annual Dues for the 2019-2020 fiscal year. Dues range from $1 to $25, based on the amount that each Neighborhood Association can afford.
5. Officer Elections, Move to September 2019
Our District 6 Coalition President, Gina Naomi Dennis, will be engaging in another role of public service. Our Neighborhoods need time to decide our new Coalition leadership team and to make the best choice. We'll need a Motion to move the Officer elections to September, and in September we'll elect a new Coalition President and we'll also elect the Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Our next President needs to be someone who has regularly attended Coalition meetings or has the capacity to do so. Gina worked 20 to 25 hours each week as the President during the last two years. We don't expect our new President to duplicate Gina's high work level, but we should expect a relatively high capacity. Our Officer elections are for, with, and by our Neighborhood Associations without government influence. A copy of our Bylaws will be available at our Meetings now through September.
6. The District 6 Coalition: Becoming a 501(c)(3) non-profit
Our District 6 Coalition has the ability to become a non-profit. We may want to do a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis on this. Non-profit status could create an opportunity for the District 6 Coalition to receive grant funding.
7. President's Report
Public Safety, Community Safety
We will discuss views about Public Safety and the State Police, the County Sheriff, and APD.
Lighting in our Neighborhoods, regarding poor lighting in some of our neighborhoods
We will discuss status updates on the $95,000. We will also discuss the District 6 Coalition's Citizen Capital Outlay requests of $1,500,000 and (1) the absence of City lighting infrastructure in some areas, the black holes, and the absence of mid-block lighting (which could be addressed via capital outlay in the future) and (2) how that differs from PNM's retrofit/upgrade project, which is a wonderful project that has commenced.
Lead Avenue and Coal Avenue: Public Safety and Public Health
We will discuss our Coalition support of the Lead-Coal Task Force, involving the City, the University Heights Neighborhood, the Nob Hill Neighborhood, and others.
Homelessness in Parks and Streets: Public Health and Public Safety
We will discuss the implementation of the Coalition's 3-stage strategy to resolve issues such as homelessness and needles (i.e., drug use), including the underlying issues of addiction and mental health. These issues impact the Public Health and the Public Safety of our community, our children, and our families. In addition, the growing homelessness and drug use in our Parks has become a systemic problem that has evolved into more than just a "Park" issue and has also become a Community-Wide "People" issue.
Emerson Elementary School
We will discuss our Coalition support to address the needs of Emerson Elementary School.
Whittier Elementary and Hawthorne Elementary Schools
We will also discuss our Coalition Schools Support Letter that we sent to PED on July 5, 2018. APS Representatives and School Staff will provide a status update and answer questions.
Vacant and Abandoned Properties
We will discuss our confirmed Coalition support to address Vacant and Abandoned Properties (VAAP) in our neighborhoods, including the La Mesa Neighborhood and other Neighborhoods. We will discuss our progress towards (1) drafting the Memorandum Of Understanding with (Scott Hughes) UNM Geospatial and Population Studies for data access and community training regarding the identification of VAAP, as well as our confirmed Coalition support for (Scott) UNM's grant (funding) application and (2) our strong relationship with (Elena Gonzales) Homewise regarding the title and ownership records of VAAP and property rehabs.
Trumbull Village Neighborhood Compassion Center
We will discuss the status of the Compassion Services Center in the Trumbull Neighborhood, to serve the people experiencing homelessness there.
Gibson Bypass: Public Safety and Public Health
We will discuss our Coalition support for the Gibson Bypass.
8. Neighborhood Association Concerns
9. Community Input & Announcements, including ONC
Thursday, March 28, 2019
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Bandelier Elementary School. 3309 Pershing Street SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106.
1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Sheriff's Office and APD SE Area Command
Lt. Arron Williamson of the Sheriff's Office
Lt. Johnny Yara of APD: acting SE Area Commander
4. Fuel Spill: Kirtland Air Force Base
Kathryn Lynnes, Senior Advisor with Kirtland AFB, will discuss progress and updates regarding the Fuel Spill.
Bruce Thomson is a Board Member with AMAFCA and a representative of the Southeast Heights Neighborhood Association. He will discuss the budget of the Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority.
6. Lighting in our Neighborhoods, regarding poor lighting in some of our neighborhoods
We will discuss status updates on the $95,000. We will also discuss the District 6 Coalition's Citizen Capital Outlay requests of $1,500,000 and (1) the absence of City lighting infrastructure in some areas, the black holes, and the absence of mid-block lighting (which could be addressed via capital outlay in the future) and (2) how that differs from PNM's retrofit/upgrade project, which is a wonderful project commencing in phases this Spring 2019. This includes a powerful conversation with Sherrick Roanhorse of PNM and Derek Kastendieck of PNM.
7. Albuquerque Department of Municipal Development
Johnny Chandler with DMD will discuss the successful progress and powerful projects of the Albuquerque Department of Municipal Development.
8. Whittier Elementary and Hawthorne Elementary Schools
We will discuss Whittier's exciting Community School event in March 2019. We will also discuss our Coalition Schools Support Letter that we sent to PED on July 5, 2018. APS Representatives and School Staff will provide a status update and answer questions.
9. Lead Avenue and Coal Avenue: Public Safety and Public Health
We will discuss our new Coalition Support Letter to the City to support the Lead-Coal Task Force, involving the City, the University Heights Neighborhood, the Nob Hill Neighborhood, and others.
10. Homelessness in Parks and Streets: Public Health and Public Safety
We will discuss the implementation of the Coalition's 3-stage strategy to resolve issues such as homelessness and needles (i.e., drug use), including the underlying issues of addiction and mental health. These issues impact the Public Health and the Public Safety of our community, our children, and our families. In addition, the growing homelessness and drug use in our Parks has become a systemic problem that has evolved into more than just a "Park" issue and has also become a Community-Wide "People" issue.
11. Vacant and Abandoned Properties
We will discuss our confirmed Coalition support to address Vacant and Abandoned Properties (VAAP) in our neighborhoods, including the La Mesa Neighborhood and other Neighborhoods. We will discuss our progress towards (1) drafting the Memorandum Of Understanding with (Scott Hughes) UNM Geospatial and Population Studies for data access and community training regarding the identification of VAAP, as well as our confirmed Coalition support for (Scott) UNM's grant (funding) application and (2) our strong relationship with (Elena Gonzales) Homewise regarding the title and ownership records of VAAP and property rehabs.
12. Follow-up: Projects
Emerson Elementary School
We will discuss our new Coalition School Support Letter to APS and the Mayor's Office to address the needs of Emerson Elementary School.
Gibson Bypass: Public Safety and Public Health
We will discuss our confirmed Coalition Support for the Gibson Bypass.
Albuquerque Garbage Transfer Station
We will discuss the Coalition's confirmed position on the City's Garbage Transfer Station.
Project in the Trumbull Village Neighborhood to serve people experiencing homelessness
We will discuss Coalition support and the status of the Compassion Services Center in the Trumbull Neighborhood, to serve the people experiencing homelessness there.
13. City Councilor
We will discuss one topic: the City Budget.
14. Neighborhood Association Concerns
15. Community Input & Announcements
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Bandelier Elementary School. 3309 Pershing Street SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106.
1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Sheriff's Office and APD SE Area Command
Lt. Arron Williamson of the Sheriff's Office
Lt. Johnny Yara of APD: acting SE Area Commander
4. Fuel Spill: Kirtland Air Force Base
Kathryn Lynnes, Senior Advisor with Kirtland AFB, will discuss progress and updates regarding the Fuel Spill.
Bruce Thomson is a Board Member with AMAFCA and a representative of the Southeast Heights Neighborhood Association. He will discuss the budget of the Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority.
6. Lighting in our Neighborhoods, regarding poor lighting in some of our neighborhoods
We will discuss status updates on the $95,000. We will also discuss the District 6 Coalition's Citizen Capital Outlay requests of $1,500,000 and (1) the absence of City lighting infrastructure in some areas, the black holes, and the absence of mid-block lighting (which could be addressed via capital outlay in the future) and (2) how that differs from PNM's retrofit/upgrade project, which is a wonderful project commencing in phases this Spring 2019. This includes a powerful conversation with Sherrick Roanhorse of PNM and Derek Kastendieck of PNM.
7. Albuquerque Department of Municipal Development
Johnny Chandler with DMD will discuss the successful progress and powerful projects of the Albuquerque Department of Municipal Development.
8. Whittier Elementary and Hawthorne Elementary Schools
We will discuss Whittier's exciting Community School event in March 2019. We will also discuss our Coalition Schools Support Letter that we sent to PED on July 5, 2018. APS Representatives and School Staff will provide a status update and answer questions.
9. Lead Avenue and Coal Avenue: Public Safety and Public Health
We will discuss our new Coalition Support Letter to the City to support the Lead-Coal Task Force, involving the City, the University Heights Neighborhood, the Nob Hill Neighborhood, and others.
10. Homelessness in Parks and Streets: Public Health and Public Safety
We will discuss the implementation of the Coalition's 3-stage strategy to resolve issues such as homelessness and needles (i.e., drug use), including the underlying issues of addiction and mental health. These issues impact the Public Health and the Public Safety of our community, our children, and our families. In addition, the growing homelessness and drug use in our Parks has become a systemic problem that has evolved into more than just a "Park" issue and has also become a Community-Wide "People" issue.
11. Vacant and Abandoned Properties
We will discuss our confirmed Coalition support to address Vacant and Abandoned Properties (VAAP) in our neighborhoods, including the La Mesa Neighborhood and other Neighborhoods. We will discuss our progress towards (1) drafting the Memorandum Of Understanding with (Scott Hughes) UNM Geospatial and Population Studies for data access and community training regarding the identification of VAAP, as well as our confirmed Coalition support for (Scott) UNM's grant (funding) application and (2) our strong relationship with (Elena Gonzales) Homewise regarding the title and ownership records of VAAP and property rehabs.
12. Follow-up: Projects
Emerson Elementary School
We will discuss our new Coalition School Support Letter to APS and the Mayor's Office to address the needs of Emerson Elementary School.
Gibson Bypass: Public Safety and Public Health
We will discuss our confirmed Coalition Support for the Gibson Bypass.
Albuquerque Garbage Transfer Station
We will discuss the Coalition's confirmed position on the City's Garbage Transfer Station.
Project in the Trumbull Village Neighborhood to serve people experiencing homelessness
We will discuss Coalition support and the status of the Compassion Services Center in the Trumbull Neighborhood, to serve the people experiencing homelessness there.
13. City Councilor
We will discuss one topic: the City Budget.
14. Neighborhood Association Concerns
15. Community Input & Announcements
Thursday, January 31, 2019 5:30pm - 7:45pm
Hosted by: Neighborhood Association
Location: Cesar Chavez Community Center 7505 Kathryn Ave. SE Albuquerque, NM 87108
1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Approval of Agenda & Minutes
3. Treasurer’s Report
4. Sheriff's Office and APD SE Area Command
Sheriff Manuel Gonzales III, Undersheriff Larry Koren
Lt. Adam Anaya of APD: SE Area Command
5. Albuquerque Mayor's Office: Lighting in our Neighborhoods, regarding poor lighting in some of our neighborhoods
Aaron Nieto, of the Mayor's Office, will discuss lighting and other initiatives. We will also discuss status updates on the $95,000, the list of neighborhoods seeking lighting, and the Coalition Lighting Support Letter to the Mayor’s Office. We will also discuss a State legislative request for $500,000 for lighting and the specific locations where those funds need to be implemented within our neighborhoods.
6. Albuquerque Garbage Transfer Station
We will discuss the City's Garbage Transfer Station
Bradley Bingham is a Drainage Engineer with AMAFCA and will discuss projects and updates regarding the Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority.
8. Vacant and Abandoned Properties
We will discuss Coalition support to address Vacant and Abandoned Properties (VAAP) in our neighborhoods, including the La Mesa Neighborhood and other Neighborhoods. This includes a conversation with Scott Hughes, of UNM Geospatial and Population Studies, regarding the identification of VAAP and a conversation with Elena Gonzales, of Homewise, regarding the title and ownership records of VAAP.
9. Speeding and Traffic: Gibson Bypass
Most of our Neighborhoods are experiencing speeding and traffic issues. We will discuss the Gibson Bypass.
10. Homelessness: Public Health and Public Safety
We will discuss the implementation of the Coalition's 3-stage strategy to resolve issues such as homelessness and needles (i.e., drug use), including the underlying issues of addiction and mental health. These issues impact the Public Health and the Public Safety of our community, our children, and our families. In addition, the growing homelessness and drug use in our Parks has become a systemic problem that has evolved into more than just a "Park" issue and has also become a Community-Wide "People" issue.
11. Albuquerque Parks and Recreation Department: Phil Chacon Park
The City Parks and Recreation Department will discuss improving Phil Chacon Park. This includes a conversation with Susannah Abbey, of the Parks and Recreation Department.
12. Follow-up: Projects
Lead Avenue and Coal Avenue: Public Safety and Public Health
We will discuss our new Coalition Support Letter to the City to support the Lead-Coal Task Force, involving the City, the University Heights Neighborhood, the Nob Hill Neighborhood, and others.
Emerson Elementary School
We will discuss our new Coalition School Support Letter to APS and the Mayor's Office to address the needs of Emerson Elementary School.
Whittier Elementary and Hawthorne Elementary Schools
We will discuss our Coalition Schools Support Letter that we sent to PED on July 5th. APS Representatives and School Staff will provide a status update and answer questions.
Project in the Trumbull Village Neighborhood to serve people experiencing homelessness
We will discuss Coalition support and the status of the Compassion Services Center in the Trumbull Neighborhood, to serve the people experiencing homelessness there.
13. State Legislation and City Ordinances
We will discuss State Legislation and City Ordinances that impact our Neighborhoods.
14. Neighborhood Association Concerns
15. Community Input & Announcements
Hosted by: Neighborhood Association
Location: Cesar Chavez Community Center 7505 Kathryn Ave. SE Albuquerque, NM 87108
1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Approval of Agenda & Minutes
3. Treasurer’s Report
4. Sheriff's Office and APD SE Area Command
Sheriff Manuel Gonzales III, Undersheriff Larry Koren
Lt. Adam Anaya of APD: SE Area Command
5. Albuquerque Mayor's Office: Lighting in our Neighborhoods, regarding poor lighting in some of our neighborhoods
Aaron Nieto, of the Mayor's Office, will discuss lighting and other initiatives. We will also discuss status updates on the $95,000, the list of neighborhoods seeking lighting, and the Coalition Lighting Support Letter to the Mayor’s Office. We will also discuss a State legislative request for $500,000 for lighting and the specific locations where those funds need to be implemented within our neighborhoods.
6. Albuquerque Garbage Transfer Station
We will discuss the City's Garbage Transfer Station
Bradley Bingham is a Drainage Engineer with AMAFCA and will discuss projects and updates regarding the Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority.
8. Vacant and Abandoned Properties
We will discuss Coalition support to address Vacant and Abandoned Properties (VAAP) in our neighborhoods, including the La Mesa Neighborhood and other Neighborhoods. This includes a conversation with Scott Hughes, of UNM Geospatial and Population Studies, regarding the identification of VAAP and a conversation with Elena Gonzales, of Homewise, regarding the title and ownership records of VAAP.
9. Speeding and Traffic: Gibson Bypass
Most of our Neighborhoods are experiencing speeding and traffic issues. We will discuss the Gibson Bypass.
10. Homelessness: Public Health and Public Safety
We will discuss the implementation of the Coalition's 3-stage strategy to resolve issues such as homelessness and needles (i.e., drug use), including the underlying issues of addiction and mental health. These issues impact the Public Health and the Public Safety of our community, our children, and our families. In addition, the growing homelessness and drug use in our Parks has become a systemic problem that has evolved into more than just a "Park" issue and has also become a Community-Wide "People" issue.
11. Albuquerque Parks and Recreation Department: Phil Chacon Park
The City Parks and Recreation Department will discuss improving Phil Chacon Park. This includes a conversation with Susannah Abbey, of the Parks and Recreation Department.
12. Follow-up: Projects
Lead Avenue and Coal Avenue: Public Safety and Public Health
We will discuss our new Coalition Support Letter to the City to support the Lead-Coal Task Force, involving the City, the University Heights Neighborhood, the Nob Hill Neighborhood, and others.
Emerson Elementary School
We will discuss our new Coalition School Support Letter to APS and the Mayor's Office to address the needs of Emerson Elementary School.
Whittier Elementary and Hawthorne Elementary Schools
We will discuss our Coalition Schools Support Letter that we sent to PED on July 5th. APS Representatives and School Staff will provide a status update and answer questions.
Project in the Trumbull Village Neighborhood to serve people experiencing homelessness
We will discuss Coalition support and the status of the Compassion Services Center in the Trumbull Neighborhood, to serve the people experiencing homelessness there.
13. State Legislation and City Ordinances
We will discuss State Legislation and City Ordinances that impact our Neighborhoods.
14. Neighborhood Association Concerns
15. Community Input & Announcements
Thursday, November 29, 2018 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Hosted by our University Heights N Association
Location: UNM Architecture School - Pearl Hall Rm 104
1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Approval of Agenda & Minutes
3. Sheriff's Office and APD SE Area Command
Sheriff Manuel Gonzales III, Undersheriff Larry Koren
Lt. Rene Barraza of APD: SE Area Command
4. Lead Avenue: Public Safety and Public Health
The University Heights Neighborhood is experiencing Public Safety and Public Health concerns with Lead Avenue. We will discuss Coalition support to address these issues. Additional information is attached to this email.
5. Coal Avenue: Public Safety and Public Health
The University Heights Neighborhood is experiencing Public Safety and Public Health concerns with Coal Avenue. We will discuss Coalition support to address these issues. Additional information is attached to this email.
6. Bernalillo County Assessor’s Office: Vacant and Abandoned Properties
The County Assessor’s Office will discuss Vacant and Abandoned Properties (VAAP) and property valuations. We will discuss Coalition support to address these issues in our neighborhoods, including the La Mesa Neighborhood.
7. Emerson Elementary
We will discuss the needs of Emerson. APS School Staff will provide information about the needs. We will discuss Coalition support to address these needs.
8. Kirtland Air Force Base Civil Engineering and AMAFCA
The Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority and Kirtland AFB Civil Engineering will provide an update on the AMAFCA retention basin and Gibson gate.
9. Parks and Homelessness: Public Safety and Public Health
We will discuss Coalition support to resolve issues such as homelessness, needles (i.e., drug use), and poor lighting in our Neighborhood Parks. These issues impact the Public Safety and Public Health of our children and our families. In addition, the growing homelessness and drug use in our Parks has become a systemic problem that has evolved into more than just a "Park" issue and has also become a Community-Wide "People" issue.
10. Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court
Camille Baca (PIO), Judge Maria I. Dominguez, Judge Linda S. Rogers, and Judge Courtney B. Weaks will speak about the Court.
11. Albuquerque Mayor's Office: Lighting in our Neighborhoods, regarding poor lighting in some of our neighborhoods
Aaron Nieto, of the Mayor's Office, will discuss lighting and other initiatives. We will also discuss status updates on the $95,000, the list of neighborhoods seeking lighting, and the Coalition Lighting Support Letter to the Mayor’s Office.
12. Whittier Elementary and Hawthorne Elementary
These schools are now in a state of emergency due to recent decisions made by PED. We will discuss our Coalition Schools Support Letter that we sent to PED on July 5th. APS Representatives and School Staff will provide a status update and answer questions.
13. Project in the Trumbull Village Neighborhood to serve people experiencing homelessness
We will discuss Coalition support and the status of the Compassion Services Center in the Trumbull neighborhood, to serve the people experiencing homelessness there.
14. Neighborhood Association Concerns
15. Community Input & Announcements
Hosted by our University Heights N Association
Location: UNM Architecture School - Pearl Hall Rm 104
1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Approval of Agenda & Minutes
3. Sheriff's Office and APD SE Area Command
Sheriff Manuel Gonzales III, Undersheriff Larry Koren
Lt. Rene Barraza of APD: SE Area Command
4. Lead Avenue: Public Safety and Public Health
The University Heights Neighborhood is experiencing Public Safety and Public Health concerns with Lead Avenue. We will discuss Coalition support to address these issues. Additional information is attached to this email.
5. Coal Avenue: Public Safety and Public Health
The University Heights Neighborhood is experiencing Public Safety and Public Health concerns with Coal Avenue. We will discuss Coalition support to address these issues. Additional information is attached to this email.
6. Bernalillo County Assessor’s Office: Vacant and Abandoned Properties
The County Assessor’s Office will discuss Vacant and Abandoned Properties (VAAP) and property valuations. We will discuss Coalition support to address these issues in our neighborhoods, including the La Mesa Neighborhood.
7. Emerson Elementary
We will discuss the needs of Emerson. APS School Staff will provide information about the needs. We will discuss Coalition support to address these needs.
8. Kirtland Air Force Base Civil Engineering and AMAFCA
The Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority and Kirtland AFB Civil Engineering will provide an update on the AMAFCA retention basin and Gibson gate.
9. Parks and Homelessness: Public Safety and Public Health
We will discuss Coalition support to resolve issues such as homelessness, needles (i.e., drug use), and poor lighting in our Neighborhood Parks. These issues impact the Public Safety and Public Health of our children and our families. In addition, the growing homelessness and drug use in our Parks has become a systemic problem that has evolved into more than just a "Park" issue and has also become a Community-Wide "People" issue.
10. Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court
Camille Baca (PIO), Judge Maria I. Dominguez, Judge Linda S. Rogers, and Judge Courtney B. Weaks will speak about the Court.
11. Albuquerque Mayor's Office: Lighting in our Neighborhoods, regarding poor lighting in some of our neighborhoods
Aaron Nieto, of the Mayor's Office, will discuss lighting and other initiatives. We will also discuss status updates on the $95,000, the list of neighborhoods seeking lighting, and the Coalition Lighting Support Letter to the Mayor’s Office.
12. Whittier Elementary and Hawthorne Elementary
These schools are now in a state of emergency due to recent decisions made by PED. We will discuss our Coalition Schools Support Letter that we sent to PED on July 5th. APS Representatives and School Staff will provide a status update and answer questions.
13. Project in the Trumbull Village Neighborhood to serve people experiencing homelessness
We will discuss Coalition support and the status of the Compassion Services Center in the Trumbull neighborhood, to serve the people experiencing homelessness there.
14. Neighborhood Association Concerns
15. Community Input & Announcements
Thursday - Sept 27, 2018 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Hosted by: Siesta Hills Neighborhood Association
Location: Christ United Methodist Church
6200 Gibson Blvd SE
Albuquerque, NM 87108
1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Approval of Agenda & Minutes
3. Sheriff's Office and APD SE Area Command
Sheriff Manuel Gonzales III, Undersheriff Larry Koren
Lt. Rene Barraza of APD: SE Area Command
4. Wilson Park, Jack and Jill Park, Bullhead Park, and Lassetter Park: Public Safety and Public Health
We will discuss Coalition support to resolve issues such as homelessness, needles (i.e., drug use), and poor lighting in our Neighborhood Parks. These issues impact the Public Safety and Public Health of our children and our families. This includes a conversation with Director David Simon of the Parks and Recreation Department. In addition, the growing homelessness and drug use in our Parks has become a systemic problem that has evolved into more than just a "Park" issue and has also become a Community-Wide "People" issue.
5. Tiny Home Village and Homelessness
Ilse Biel will discuss the Tiny Homes in Albuquerque.
6. Speeding and Traffic
The Siesta Hills Neighborhood is experiencing speeding and traffic issues. We will discuss
Coalition support to address these issues.
7. Lighting in our Neighborhoods, regarding poor lighting in some of our neighborhoods
We will discuss status updates on the $95,000, the list of neighborhoods seeking lighting, and the Coalition Lighting Support Letter to the Mayor’s Office.
8. Albuquerque Mayor's Office
Aaron Nieto will discuss lighting and other initiatives.
9. Vacant and Abandoned Properties
We will discuss Coalition support to reduce the amount of vacant and abandoned properties in the La Mesa Neighborhood and in other neighborhoods.
10. Whittier Elementary and Hawthorne Elementary
These schools are now in a state of emergency due to recent decisions made by PED. We will discuss our Coalition Schools Support Letter that we sent to PED on July 5th. APS Representatives and School Staff will provide a status update and answer questions.
11. Real Estate Acquisition in the Trumbull Neighborhood for a Day Shelter.
We will discuss Coalition support and the status of the acquisition of a property in the Trumbull neighborhood, to house many of the people experiencing homelessness there.
12. Neighborhood Association Concerns
13. Community Input & Announcements
Hosted by: Siesta Hills Neighborhood Association
Location: Christ United Methodist Church
6200 Gibson Blvd SE
Albuquerque, NM 87108
1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Approval of Agenda & Minutes
3. Sheriff's Office and APD SE Area Command
Sheriff Manuel Gonzales III, Undersheriff Larry Koren
Lt. Rene Barraza of APD: SE Area Command
4. Wilson Park, Jack and Jill Park, Bullhead Park, and Lassetter Park: Public Safety and Public Health
We will discuss Coalition support to resolve issues such as homelessness, needles (i.e., drug use), and poor lighting in our Neighborhood Parks. These issues impact the Public Safety and Public Health of our children and our families. This includes a conversation with Director David Simon of the Parks and Recreation Department. In addition, the growing homelessness and drug use in our Parks has become a systemic problem that has evolved into more than just a "Park" issue and has also become a Community-Wide "People" issue.
5. Tiny Home Village and Homelessness
Ilse Biel will discuss the Tiny Homes in Albuquerque.
6. Speeding and Traffic
The Siesta Hills Neighborhood is experiencing speeding and traffic issues. We will discuss
Coalition support to address these issues.
7. Lighting in our Neighborhoods, regarding poor lighting in some of our neighborhoods
We will discuss status updates on the $95,000, the list of neighborhoods seeking lighting, and the Coalition Lighting Support Letter to the Mayor’s Office.
8. Albuquerque Mayor's Office
Aaron Nieto will discuss lighting and other initiatives.
9. Vacant and Abandoned Properties
We will discuss Coalition support to reduce the amount of vacant and abandoned properties in the La Mesa Neighborhood and in other neighborhoods.
10. Whittier Elementary and Hawthorne Elementary
These schools are now in a state of emergency due to recent decisions made by PED. We will discuss our Coalition Schools Support Letter that we sent to PED on July 5th. APS Representatives and School Staff will provide a status update and answer questions.
11. Real Estate Acquisition in the Trumbull Neighborhood for a Day Shelter.
We will discuss Coalition support and the status of the acquisition of a property in the Trumbull neighborhood, to house many of the people experiencing homelessness there.
12. Neighborhood Association Concerns
13. Community Input & Announcements
Thursday, July 26, 2018 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Hosted by our La Mesa Community Improvement Association
Location: Mesa Verde Community Center
1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Approval of Agenda & Minutes
3. Sheriff's Office and APD SE Area Command
Sheriff Manuel Gonzales III, Undersheriff Larry Koren
Sgt. Roger Legendre of APD: Police and Community Together (PACT)
4. Block Captains
The La Mesa Neighborhood is planning a Block Captain program to reduce crime, block by block. We will discuss Coalition support for a Coalition-wide Block Captain program.
5. Veteran Housing and Safety
We will discuss Veteran Housing, as well as Public Safety in the La Mesa Neighborhood, including 529 San Pablo and 3 other properties.
6. Whittier Elementary and Hawthorne Elementary
These schools are now in a state of emergency due to recent decisions made by PED. We will discuss our Coalition Schools Support Letter that we sent to PED on July 5th. APS Representatives and School Staff will provide a status update and answer questions.
7. Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Authority
Meagan Oldham will discuss the Water Authority's rebates and outdoor conservation efforts.
8. International District Library
We will discuss the planning of the new International District Library.
9. Lighting in our Neighborhoods, regarding poor lighting in some of our neighborhoods
We will discuss status updates on the list of neighborhoods seeking lighting, as well as the Coalition Lighting Support Letter to the Mayor’s Office.
10. Neighborhood Association Concerns
11. Community Input & Announcements
Hosted by our La Mesa Community Improvement Association
Location: Mesa Verde Community Center
1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Approval of Agenda & Minutes
3. Sheriff's Office and APD SE Area Command
Sheriff Manuel Gonzales III, Undersheriff Larry Koren
Sgt. Roger Legendre of APD: Police and Community Together (PACT)
4. Block Captains
The La Mesa Neighborhood is planning a Block Captain program to reduce crime, block by block. We will discuss Coalition support for a Coalition-wide Block Captain program.
5. Veteran Housing and Safety
We will discuss Veteran Housing, as well as Public Safety in the La Mesa Neighborhood, including 529 San Pablo and 3 other properties.
6. Whittier Elementary and Hawthorne Elementary
These schools are now in a state of emergency due to recent decisions made by PED. We will discuss our Coalition Schools Support Letter that we sent to PED on July 5th. APS Representatives and School Staff will provide a status update and answer questions.
7. Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Authority
Meagan Oldham will discuss the Water Authority's rebates and outdoor conservation efforts.
8. International District Library
We will discuss the planning of the new International District Library.
9. Lighting in our Neighborhoods, regarding poor lighting in some of our neighborhoods
We will discuss status updates on the list of neighborhoods seeking lighting, as well as the Coalition Lighting Support Letter to the Mayor’s Office.
10. Neighborhood Association Concerns
11. Community Input & Announcements
Thursday, May 24, 2018 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Hosted by our Trumbull Village Neighborhood Association
7501 Trumbull Avenue SE
Albuquerque, NM 87108
Map and Directions
Street parking and surface parking
1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Approval of Agenda & Minutes
3. Sheriff's Office and APD SE Area Command
Sheriff Manuel Gonzales III, Undersheriff Larry Koren
Sgt. Roger Legendre of APD: Police and Community Together (PACT)
Exciting news! A helicopter landing will occur at our meeting!
4. Coalition Officers Election, Annual Dues Collection, and Treasurer’s Report
Election of Coalition Officers; incumbents are seeking re-election.
Annual dues are $25 and are due at the meeting. If your Neighborhood is struggling financially and cannot pay, please contact our President Gina Dennis so that she can help you.
5. Government or Grant Funding to Acquire a Residential Building in the Trumbull Neighborhood.
The Trumbull Neighborhood is an extremely impoverished community. The Trumbull Neighborhood is seeking Coalition support to acquire a residential property to house many of the people that are living in poverty and experiencing homelessness there.
6. Maggie Hart Stebbins, Bernalillo County Commissioner
The Commissioner will provide updates about the County.
7. Whittier Elementary and Hawthorne Elementary
These schools are now in a state of emergency due to decisions made by PED on April 27th. We will discuss our Coalition Schools Support Letter. APS Representatives and School Staff will provide a status update and answer questions.
8. Behavioral Health Initiative
Sam Howarth will discuss Bernalillo County’s Behavioral Health Initiative.
9. Lighting in our Neighborhoods, regarding poor lighting in some of our neighborhoods
We will discuss status updates on the Coalition Lighting Support Letter to the Mayor’s Office.
10. IDO- Integrated Development Ordinance
We will discuss the IDO issues.
11. Neighborhood Association Concerns
12. Community Input & Announcements
Hosted by our Trumbull Village Neighborhood Association
7501 Trumbull Avenue SE
Albuquerque, NM 87108
Map and Directions
Street parking and surface parking
1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Approval of Agenda & Minutes
3. Sheriff's Office and APD SE Area Command
Sheriff Manuel Gonzales III, Undersheriff Larry Koren
Sgt. Roger Legendre of APD: Police and Community Together (PACT)
Exciting news! A helicopter landing will occur at our meeting!
4. Coalition Officers Election, Annual Dues Collection, and Treasurer’s Report
Election of Coalition Officers; incumbents are seeking re-election.
Annual dues are $25 and are due at the meeting. If your Neighborhood is struggling financially and cannot pay, please contact our President Gina Dennis so that she can help you.
5. Government or Grant Funding to Acquire a Residential Building in the Trumbull Neighborhood.
The Trumbull Neighborhood is an extremely impoverished community. The Trumbull Neighborhood is seeking Coalition support to acquire a residential property to house many of the people that are living in poverty and experiencing homelessness there.
6. Maggie Hart Stebbins, Bernalillo County Commissioner
The Commissioner will provide updates about the County.
7. Whittier Elementary and Hawthorne Elementary
These schools are now in a state of emergency due to decisions made by PED on April 27th. We will discuss our Coalition Schools Support Letter. APS Representatives and School Staff will provide a status update and answer questions.
8. Behavioral Health Initiative
Sam Howarth will discuss Bernalillo County’s Behavioral Health Initiative.
9. Lighting in our Neighborhoods, regarding poor lighting in some of our neighborhoods
We will discuss status updates on the Coalition Lighting Support Letter to the Mayor’s Office.
10. IDO- Integrated Development Ordinance
We will discuss the IDO issues.
11. Neighborhood Association Concerns
12. Community Input & Announcements
Wednesday, March 21, 2018 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Hosted by our South San Pedro Neighborhood Association
1409 Ortiz Dr. SE
Albuquerque, NM 87108
Map and Directions
Street parking and surface parking
1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Approval of Agenda & Minutes
3. Sheriff's Office and APD SE Area Command
Sheriff Manuel Gonzales III, Undersheriff Larry Koren, and Undersheriff Rudy Mora
Sgt. Roger Legendre of APD: Police and Community Together (PACT)
4. The Three APS Public Elementary Schools That Are Slated for Reorganization
District representatives from Albuquerque Public Schools will speak about what is happening and will answer questions.
5. International District Library Status
Antoni Baca, of RMKM Architecture, will speak on behalf of the Library Design Team and will provide a status update on the new International District library.
Bradley Bingham is a Drainage Engineer with AMAFCA and will speak about the Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority.
7. Lighting in our Neighborhoods, regarding poor lighting in some of our neighborhoods
Coalition Lighting Support Letter to the Mayor’s Office.
8. Neighborhood Association Concerns
9. Community Input & Announcements
Hosted by our South San Pedro Neighborhood Association
1409 Ortiz Dr. SE
Albuquerque, NM 87108
Map and Directions
Street parking and surface parking
1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Approval of Agenda & Minutes
3. Sheriff's Office and APD SE Area Command
Sheriff Manuel Gonzales III, Undersheriff Larry Koren, and Undersheriff Rudy Mora
Sgt. Roger Legendre of APD: Police and Community Together (PACT)
4. The Three APS Public Elementary Schools That Are Slated for Reorganization
District representatives from Albuquerque Public Schools will speak about what is happening and will answer questions.
5. International District Library Status
Antoni Baca, of RMKM Architecture, will speak on behalf of the Library Design Team and will provide a status update on the new International District library.
Bradley Bingham is a Drainage Engineer with AMAFCA and will speak about the Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority.
7. Lighting in our Neighborhoods, regarding poor lighting in some of our neighborhoods
Coalition Lighting Support Letter to the Mayor’s Office.
8. Neighborhood Association Concerns
9. Community Input & Announcements
Tuesday, January 30, 2018 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Hosted by our Campus Neighborhood Association
UNM School of Architecture and Planning
George Pearl Hall, in the Gallery on the main level
Albuquerque, NM 87106
Map and Directions
**across from Frontier Restaurant
Street parking, surface parking, and garage parkin
1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Approval of Agenda & Minutes
3. UNM Police Department and APD SE Area Command
Lt. Tim Stump and Sgt. Pete Guevara of UNM Police Department
Sgt. Roger Legendre of APD: Police and Community Together (PACT)
4. Guest Speaker: Professor John Quale, of the UNM School of Architecture + Planning
Professor Quale is an expert in sustainable design and he will speak about sustainable and prefabricated homes for low-income Communities. Professor Quale is a member of the Campus Neighborhood Association. His biography is accessible via this website link:
5. Lighting in our Neighborhoods, regarding poor lighting in some of our neighborhoods
Recently, on January 2nd, we sent the Coalition Lighting Support Letter to our City Councilor; we’ll discuss the possibility of sending an additional Letter to the Mayor’s Office.
6. Neighborhood Association Concerns
7. Community Input & Announcements
Hosted by our Campus Neighborhood Association
UNM School of Architecture and Planning
George Pearl Hall, in the Gallery on the main level
Albuquerque, NM 87106
Map and Directions
**across from Frontier Restaurant
Street parking, surface parking, and garage parkin
1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Approval of Agenda & Minutes
3. UNM Police Department and APD SE Area Command
Lt. Tim Stump and Sgt. Pete Guevara of UNM Police Department
Sgt. Roger Legendre of APD: Police and Community Together (PACT)
4. Guest Speaker: Professor John Quale, of the UNM School of Architecture + Planning
Professor Quale is an expert in sustainable design and he will speak about sustainable and prefabricated homes for low-income Communities. Professor Quale is a member of the Campus Neighborhood Association. His biography is accessible via this website link:
5. Lighting in our Neighborhoods, regarding poor lighting in some of our neighborhoods
Recently, on January 2nd, we sent the Coalition Lighting Support Letter to our City Councilor; we’ll discuss the possibility of sending an additional Letter to the Mayor’s Office.
6. Neighborhood Association Concerns
7. Community Input & Announcements